Join us on our mission to spread awareness and find a cure to this rare disorder.
MPS needs a CURE

MPS is a rare genetic mutation in the gene code. It begins by attacking the skeletal system, eventually moving onto the cognitive and central nervous systems. Diagnosis is fairly simple; all it takes is a blood and urine sample. If this test was administered at birth, therapy could be started much earlier and the children in treatment would have a much higher success rate. The life expectancy of a child with MPS is between 10 – 15 years old but that age could increase significantly by adding it to the newborn screening. Currently, only 53 rare disorders are tested for at birth out of as many as 8,000, but even that number varies based on the state you are born in. Adding MPS to the newborn screening would give these children a better fighting chance to counteract its degenerative effects. It is progressive and incurable; thus enzyme replacement therapy is the only way to slow it down. It is vital for treatments to begin as early as possible because once the disorder gets to the brain, there is nothing that can be done and the patient loses all cognitive functioning. Educating the public on MPS is where we choose to begin our fight. The rarity of this disorder makes it virtually unknown in society. This means very little research is being done into a cure, or even treatments to slow its progress. It also means nothing can be done to make sure it is caught early enough. Getting the word out about MPS is a great start but we need your help to actually make change happen.
Educate – Eradicate – Accommodate –
Educate – Eradicate – Accommodate –
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Educate – Eradicate – Accommodate –
Rylee Noble is 15 years old. In many ways, she’s like any other teenage girl. She loves to dance, laugh, and go to concerts. She finds every way she can to get the most out of life. However, she is very different from other 15 year olds. At the age of 10, Rylee was diagnosed with Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) a Genetic disease. There are multiple subtypes of the disorder that range in severity but at this moment Rylee has a less sever subtype. However, this disease is progressive and incurable, so it can only be slowed down. Rylee receives Enzyme Replacement Therapy once a week to do just that, but it will not always be enough. She just recently underwent Mitral Valve Replacement on May 14, 2024. She dreams about a cure, or even a treatment that will penetrate the central nervous system. Throughout her Journey, Rylee has continued to stay grateful for what she has been given. She wants nothing more than to use those blessings as a catalyst for making a difference in the lives of children suffering with this awful disease. A Noble Journey was brought into existence by one mother trying to create a better life for her daughter yet it represents a whole group of children fighting for hope. The Nobles may never see a cure for MPS in Rylee’s lifetime; however, this foundation is meant to be her legacy and the cornerstone of a journey to free future generations of this Genetic Disease.

Join our team of incredible supporters!
There is no better family and no better cause to get behind than Rylee and a Noble Journey.
Alan ThomasOwner & President, EBT Bearings
We believe in Rylee’s message and we want to help get it to people who have not been affected. Everyone knows about Cancer but no one knows about MPS until it hits home.
Tanya SwailsRegional HR Director for Adurra/LVN